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Andy & Ted touched many of us in ways that changed us forever. We only hope we can maintain their legacy by supporting the program they built from the ground up.


In addition, we will be awarding two annual scholarships in their names. We want to provide support to the next generation of BHS students that are looking to continue their education. 


(In the image above,the Burnsville community working on putting up an plaque in honor of Ted Seidel.)


The impact of your sponsorship when you choose to sponsor a child through the Burnsville Soccer Support Group, you’re choosing to make a lifelong connection that will help the opportunity for our young athletes to play soccer. 

Not only can you contribute a meaningful change to a child in need, but you’ll also improve the lives of the support network around them.


If you’re interested in becoming a part of our volunteer community at The Burnsville Soccer Support Group, you’ve come to the right place!

We encourage any person who is interested to donate his or her time and talents to our cause. No matter your circumstances, anyone and everyone is able to contribute.

Share with us your experience, positive energy, and and we will happily put them to good use!


Please feel free to donate in the link below to support Ted & Andy. We appreciate your support and love for our two community leaders.


What Your Donation Will Go Towards:

• Memorial honoring Ted Seidel at the BHS practice fields

• Two annual scholarships to BHS students named after Ted & Andy

• Support for the BHS boys soccer program (financial support for equipment/uniform needs to support the program, mentorship program pairing BHS alumni and current players)

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